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a list of known, publicly-available web, gopher, telnet, and TN3270
sites for searching ERIC databases.
Research in Education and Current Index to Journals in EducationRIE is ERIC's bibliographic database of 950,000 + conference papers, reports, instructional materials, research articles, and other materials. CIJE is the journal article bibliographic database. The list of journals covered by CIJE is available from Oryx Press.
How to order documents ERIC references with an ED number are from ERIC's Resources in Education database and are typically research papers and other monographs. Almost all of these documents are available on microfiche at the ERIC Resource Collections located in over 1000 academic libraries and centers worldwide. You can also order these documents from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). You can order "ED" documents -- as microfiche, print, fax, or electronic copy --either by phone (800 443-3742; 703 440-1400) or on line, through EDRS (http://edrs.com) or The Search ERIC Wizard. Fax order and other delivery service are available. Cost: $4.08 for 25 pages (Since Jan. 1, 1997). "ED" documents are also available on microfiche from more than 1000 locations worldwide. To find the location nearest you, call ACCESS ERIC at 1-800-LET-ERIC, or look it up on line. ERIC references to journal articles not in your local library can be ordered though interlibrary loan, or CARL (http://www.carl.org/). The ERIC System website has a FAQ with more information about the ERIC database.
ERIC DigestsDigests are short reports that synthesize research and ideas about emerging issues in education. They are designed to help members of the educational community keep up-to-date with trends and new developments. ERIC Digests are in the public domain and may be freely copied and distributed. Each digest goes through several rounds of editing and review and are about 4 pages long, 10-15K bytes. As of January 2000, there were over 1900 Digests in the Digest database.Via Web
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