
Online Associates Degree

For those who do not have time to pursue a four-year Bachelor’s degree, but want to improve their earning power and knowledge of their field, an online Associate’s degree is the answer. You can earn an online Associate’s degree in applied sciences, nursing and many other subjects. Many people who obtain an online Associates degree move on to a Bachelor’s degree later on. This two-year program is an excellent way to “test the waters” to see if a particular field is right for you before making the big plunge and committing to a more lengthy course of study. An Associates degree allows the student to study for two years, work in the field, and to return to complete a higher degree, if one wishes.

Once, Associate degrees had to be earned through lectures and exams taken at night or on weekends, but now, an online Associate’s degree is available, and one can “attend” lectures or complete coursework at his or her convenience. This eliminates the lengthy commute for many students, as well as the need for childcare and the requirement of applying only to those schools in one’s immediate area. One can earn an online associate’s degree from any school in the world, unless there is a practical component which requires the student to appear on campus occasionally for special demonstrations or exams. Lectures can be downloaded and viewed on the computer and homework can be turned in through e-mail or fax. A student can purchase textbooks online or download necessary documents from the course’s website. Basically all aspects of earning an online Associate’s degree can be accomplished at one’s computer in a home office rather than on campus.

Finding the right institution for an online Associate’s degree can be a pleasant challenge, since the opportunities are virtually unlimited. It is essential to ensure that the institution which issues your online Associate’s degree is accredited and that you will be able to take your degree anywhere you want to work. Many courses, such as real estate, have requirements which vary from state to state, so you will want to enroll in an institution which is located in the state where you plan to begin work.