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ERIC databases
ERICAE.NET offers the following ERIC databases:
As a system ERIC produces two databases
Combined, RIE and CIJE contain over 1,000,000 citations going back to 1966. More information about the RIE and CIJE databases can be found at the ACCESS ERIC website. Almost all of the conference papers and reports accepted for inclusion in ERIC's Resources in Education database since 1993 are now available on-line, full text, on demand. Yes, ERIC is now full text!
If your host institution is an E*subscribe customer (described below), documents will be available free to you when you search from a registered IP address (e.g. on-campus) or valid E*Subscribe user name and password address (click on the PDF icon To better serve users of ERIC information, the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) has established E*Subscribe, an on-line subscription service for research libraries, schools and other institutions. E*Subscribe provides unlimited access to ERIC document images from 1996 to the current Resources in Education (RIE) issue. Subscribers also have the option to obtain electronic documents from 1995 and 1994 (as of April 2000) as add-ons to their base subscription (1993 documents will be available in the fall). ERIC users with specialized information needs may subscribe to individual Clearinghouse collections, which are subject-specific subsets of the full ERIC database. For more information, visit http://www.edrs.com. You can search ERIC database on-line and link to ERIC full text documents through the Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation (http://ericae.net), the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (http://www.edrs.com), SilverPlatter's WebSPIRS, or Ovid Online. University personnel should also check their academic library's on-line offerings. Electronic availability is limited to those documents for which the author has provided such authorization. Processing of an ERIC abstract typically takes six to nine month from the time we prepare an abstract to the final product appearing in Resources in Education or the Current Index to Journals in Education. To help you obtain the latest information on assessment and evaluation, we created this experimental database of our abstract drafts. Please see http://ericae.net/sinprog.htm for more information. Digests are short reports that synthesize research and ideas about emerging issues in education. They are designed to help members of the educational community keep up-to-date with trends and new developments. ERIC Digests are in the public domain and may be freely copied and distributed. Each digest goes through several rounds of editing and review and are about 4 pages long, 10-15K bytes. As of January 2000, there were over 1900 Digests in the Digest database
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