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A Brief Guide to Questionnaire Development Office of Measurement and Research Service Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Introduction Introduction Most people have responded to so many questionnaires in
their lives that they have little concern when it becomes
necessary to construct one of their own. Unfortunately the
results are often unsatisfactory. One reason for this outcome
may be that many of the questionnaires in current use have
deficiencies which are consciously or unconsciously incorporated
into new questionnaires by inexperienced developers. Another
likely cause is inadequate consideration of aspects of the
questionnaire process separate from the instrument itself, such
as how the responses will be analyzed to answer the related
research questions or how to account for nonreturns from a
mailed questionnaire.
These problems are sufficiently prevalent that numerous
books and journal articles have been written addressing them
(e.g., see Dillman, 1978). Also, various educational and
proprietary organizations regularly offer workshops in
questionnaire development. Therefore, this booklet is intended
to identify some of the more prevalent problems in
questionnaire development and to suggest ways of avoiding them.
This paper does not cover the development of inventories
designed to measure psychological constructs, which would
require a deeper discussion of psychometric theory than is
feasible here. Instead, the focus will be on questionnaires
designed to collect factual information and opinions.
Some questionnaires give the impression that their authors
tried to think of every conceivable question that might be asked
with respect to the general topic of concern. Alternatively, a
committee may have incorporated all of the questions generated
by its members. Stringent efforts should be made to avoid such
shotgun approaches, because they tend to yield very long
questionnaires often with many questions relevant to only small
proportions of the sample. The result is annoyance and
frustration on the part of many responders. They resent the
time it takes to answer and are likely to feel their responses are
unimportant if many of the questions are inapplicable. Their
annoyance and frustration then causes nonreturn of mailed
questionnaires and incomplete or inaccurate responses on
questionnaires administered directly. These difficulties can yield
largely useless results. Avoiding them is relatively simple but
does require some time and effort.
The first step is mainly one of mental discipline. The
investigator must define precisely the information desired and
endeavor to write as few questions as possible to obtain it.
Peripheral questions and ones to find out "something that might
just be nice to know" must be avoided. The author should
consult colleagues and potential consumers of the results in this
A second step, needed for development of all but the
simplest questionnaires, is to obtain feedback from a small but
representative sample of potential responders. This activity may
involve no more than informal, open-ended interviews with
several potential responders. However, it is better to ask such a
group to criticize a preliminary version of the questionnaire. In
this case, they should first answer the questions just as if they
were research subjects. The purpose of these activities is to
determine relevance of the questions and the extent to which
there may be problems in obtaining responses. For example, it
might be determined that responders are likely to be offended
by a certain type of question or that a line of questions
misconstrues the nature of a problem the responders encounter.
The process just described should not be confused with a
field trial of a tentative version of the questionnaire. This
activity also is desirable in many cases but has different
purposes and should always follow the more informal review
process just described. A field trial will be desirable or
necessary if there is substantial uncertainty in areas such as:
1) Response rate. If a field trial of a mailed questionnaire yields an unsatisfactory response rate, design changes or different data gathering procedures must be undertaken. 2) Question applicability. Even though approved by reviewers, some questions may prove redundant. For example, everyone or nearly everyone may be in the same answer category for some questions, thus making them unnecessary. 3) Question performance. The field-trial response
distributions for some questions may clearly indicate
that they are defective. Also, pairs or sequences of
questions may yield inconsistent responses from a
number of trial responders, thus indicating the need for
rewording or changing the response mode.
While these seem easy to write, in most cases they should be
avoided. A major reason is variation in willingness and ability
to respond in writing. Unless the sample is very homogeneous
with respect to these two characteristics, response bias is likely.
Open-ended questions are quite likely to suppress responses
from the less literate segments of a population or from
responders who are less concerned about the topic at hand.
A reason frequently given for using open-ended questions is
the capture of unsuspected information. This reason is valid for
brief, informal questionnaires to small groups, say, ones with
fewer than 50 responders. In this case, a simple listing of the
responses to each question usually conveys their overall
character. However, in the case of a larger sample, it is
necessary to categorize the responses to each question in order
to analyze them. This process is time-consuming and
introduces error. It is far better to determine the prevalent
categories in advance and ask the responders to select among
those offered. In most cases, obscure categories applicable only
to very small minorities of responders should not be included.
A preliminary, open-ended questionnaire sent to a small sample
is often a good way to establish the prevalent categories in
Contrary to the preceding discussion, there are
circumstances under which it may be better to ask the
responders to fill in blanks. This is the case when the responses
are to be hand entered into computer data sets and when the
response possibilities are very clearly limited and specific. For
example, questions concerning age, state of residence, or
credit-hours earned may be more easily answered by filling in
blanks than by selecting among categories. If the answers are
numerical, this response mode may also enhance the power of
inferential statistical procedures. If handwritten answers are to
be assigned to categories for analysis, flexibility in category
determination becomes possible. However, if the responders are
likely to be estimating their answers, it is usually better to offer
response categories (e.g., to inquire about body weight,
grade-point average, annual income, or distance to work).
With a few exceptions, the category "Other" should be avoided as a response option, especially when it occurs at the end of a long list of fairly lengthy choices. Careless responders will overlook the option they should have designated and conveniently mark the option "other." Other responders will be hairsplitters and will reject an option for some trivial reason when it really applies, also marking "other." "Other (specify)" or "other (explain)" may permit recoding these erroneous responses to the extent that the responders take the trouble to write coherent explanations, but this practice is time-consuming and probably yields no better results than the simple omission of "other." Of course, the decision not to offer the option "other" should be made only after a careful determination of the categories needed to classify nearly all of the potential responses. Then, if a few responders find that, for an item or two, there is no applicable response, little harm is done. An exception to the foregoing advice is any case in which
the categories are clear-cut, few in number, and such that
some responders might feel uncomfortable in the absence of an
applicable response. For example, if nearly all responders would
unhesitatingly classify themselves as either black or white, the
following item would serve well:
Also consider:
"Other (specify)" should be used only when the investigator
has been unable to establish the prevalent categories of
response with reasonable certainty. In this case, the
investigator is clearly obligated to categorize and report the
"other" responses as if the question were open-ended. Often the
need for "other" reflects inadequate efforts to determine the
categories that should be offered.
A typical question is the following:
Unless the research in question were deeply concerned with
conjugal relationships, it is inconceivable that the distinctions
among all of these categories could be useful. Moreover, for
many samples, the number of responders in the latter
categories would be too small to permit generalization. Usually,
such a question reflects the need to distinguish between a
conventional familial setting and anything else. If so, the
question could be:
In addition to brevity, this has the advantage of not
appearing to pry so strongly into personal matters.
In contrast to category proliferation, which seems usually to
arise somewhat naturally, scale point proliferation takes some
thought and effort. An example is:
Such stimuli run the risk of annoying or confusing the
responder with hairsplitting differences between the response
levels. In any case, psychometric research has shown that most
subjects cannot reliably distinguish more than six or seven
levels of response, and that for most scales a very large
proportion of total score variance is due to direction of choice
rather than intensity of choice. Offering four to five scale
points is usually quite sufficient to stimulate a reasonably
reliable indication of response direction.
Questionnaire items that ask the responder to indicate
strength of reaction on scales labeled only at the end points are
not so likely to cause responder antipathy if the scale has six or
seven points. However, even for semantic differential items, four
or five scale points should be sufficient.
When response categories represent a progression between a
lower level of response and a higher one, it is usually better to
list them from the lower level to the higher in left-to-right
order, for example,
This advice is based only on anecdotal evidence, but it
seems plausible that associating greater response levels with
lower numerals might be confusing for some responders.
In contrast to the options listed just above, consider the
Combining "seldom" with "never" might be desirable if
responders would be very unlikely to mark "never" and if
"seldom" would connote an almost equivalent level of activity,
for example, in response to the question, "How often do you tell
you wife that you love her?" In contrast, suppose the question
were, "How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?" Then the
investigator might indeed wish to distinguish those who never
drink. When a variety of questions use the same response scale,
it is usually undesirable to combine categories.
Consider the following questionnaire item: The instructor's verbal facility is: 1) Much below average 4) Above average 2) Below average 5) Much above average 3) Average Associating scale values of 1 through 5 to these categories
can yield highly misleading results. The mean for all
instructors on this item might be 4.1, which, possibly
ludicrously, would suggest that the average instructor was above
average. Unless there were evidence that most of the
instructors in question were actually better than average with
respect to some reference group, the charge of using statistics
to create false impressions could easily be raised.
A related difficulty arises with items like:
The instructor grades fairly. 1) Agree 4) Tend to disagree 2) Tend to agree 5) Disagree 3) Undecided There is no assurance whatsoever that a subject choosing
the middle scale position harbors a neutral opinion. A subject's
choice of the scale midpoint may result from:
Ignorance--the subject has no basis for judgment. Uncooperativeness--the subject does not want to go to the trouble of formulating an opinion. Reading difficulty--the subject may choose "Undecided" to cover up inability to read. Reluctance to answer--the subject may wish to avoid displaying his/her true opinion. Inapplicability--the question does not apply
to the subject.
In all the above cases, the investigator's best hope is that
the subject will not respond at all. Unfortunately, the seemingly
innocuous middle position counts, and, when a number of
subjects choose it for invalid reasons, the average response level
is raised or lowered erroneously (unless, of course, the mean of
the valid responses is exactly at the scale midpoint).
The reader may well wonder why neutral response positions
are so prevalent on questionnaires. One reason is that, in the
past, crude computational methods were unable to cope with
missing data. In such cases, nonresponses were actually
replaced with neutral response values to avoid this problem.
The need for such a makeshift solution has long been supplanted
by improved computational methods, but the practice of offering
a neutral response position seems to have a life of its own.
Actually, if a substantial proportion of the responders really do
hold genuinely neutral opinions and will cooperate in revealing
these, scale characteristics will be enhanced modestly by
offering a neutral position. However, in most cases, the
potential gain is not worth the risk.
In the absence of a neutral position, responders sometimes
tend to resist making a choice in one direction or the other.
Under this circumstance, the following strategies may alleviate
the problem:
1) Encourage omission of a response when a decision cannot be reached. 2) Word responses so that a firm stand may be avoided, e.g., "tend to disagree." 3) If possible, help responders with reading or interpretation problems, but take care to do so impartially and carefully document the procedure so that it may be inspected for possible introduction of bias. 4) Include options explaining inability to respond, such as
"not applicable," "no basis for judgment," "prefer not to
The preceding discussion notwithstanding, there are some
items that virtually require a neutral position. Examples are:
How much time do you spend on this job now?
The amount of homework for this course was
It would be unrealistic to expect a responder to judge a
generally comparable or satisfactory situation as being on one
side or another of the scale midpoint.
The extent to which responders agree with a statement can be
assessed adequately in many cases by the options:
However, when many responders have opinions that are not very strong or well-formed, the following options may serve better:
These options have the advantage of allowing the expression
of some uncertainty.
In contrast, the following options would be undesirable in
most cases:
While these options do not bother some people at all, others
find them objectionable. "Agree" is a very strong word; some
would say that "Strongly agree" is redundant or at best a
colloquialism. In addition, there is no comfortable resting place
for those with some uncertainty. There is no need to unsettle a
segment of responders by this or other cavalier usage of
Another problem can arise when a number of questions all
use the same response categories. The following item is from
an actual questionnaire:
Indicate the extent to which each of the following factors influences your decision on the admission of an applicant: Amount of Influence
Only sheer carelessness could have caused failure to route
the responder from a school with open admissions around the
questions concerning the influence of test scores, etc. This
point aside, consider the absurdity of actually asking a
responder from an open admissions school to rate the influence
of their open admissions policy. (How could it be other than
strong?) Inappropriate response categories and nonparallel
stimuli can go a long way toward inducing disposal rather than
return of a questionnaire.
A subtle but prevalent error is the tacit assumption of a
socially conventional interpretation on the part of the
responder. Two examples from actual questionnaires are:
Indicate how you feel about putting your loved one in a nursing home.
How strong is the effect of living at some distance from your family?
Obviously (from other content of the two questionnaires),
the investigators never considered that many people enjoy
positive emotions upon placing very sick individuals in nursing
homes or beneficial effects due to getting away from
troublesome families. Thus, marking the third option for either
of these items could reflect either relief or distress, though the
investigators interpreted these responses as indicating only
distress. Options representing a range of positive to negative
feelings would resolve the problem.
A questionnaire from a legislative office used the following
scale to rate publications:
This is a typical example of asking two different questions
with a single item, namely: a) Was the publication legislatively
mandated? and b) What contribution did it make? Of course, the
bureaucrats involved were assuming that any legislatively
mandated publication was critical to the agency's effectiveness.
Note that options 3 and 4 but not 2 could apply to a mandated
publication, thus raising the possibility of (obviously undesired)
multiple responses with respect to each publication.
Asking responders to rank stimuli has drawbacks and should
be avoided if possible. Responders cannot be reasonably
expected to rank more than about six things at a time, and
many of them misinterpret directions or make mistakes in
responding. To help alleviate this latter problem, ranking
questions may be framed as follows:
Following are three colors for office walls:
There is sometimes a difficulty when responders are asked to
rate items for which the general level of approval is high. For
example, consider the following scale for rating the importance
of selected curriculum elements:
Responders may tend to rate almost every curriculum topic
as highly important, especially if doing so implies professional
approbation. Then it is difficult to separate topics of greatest
importance from those of less. Asking responders to rank items
according to importance in addition to rating them will help to
resolve this problem. If there are too many items for ranking
to be feasible, responders may be asked to return to the items
they have rated and indicate a specified small number of them
that they consider "most important."
Another strategy for reducing the tendency to mark every
item at the same end of the scale is to ask responders to rate
both positive and negative stimuli. For example:
Flatfooted negation of stimuli that would normally be
expressed positively should be avoided when this strategy is
adopted. For example, "does not work with us to get the job
done" would not be a satisfactory substitute for the second item
A question like the following often appears on questionnaires
sent to samples of college students:
If there is a specific need to generalize results to older or
younger students, the question is valid. Also, such a question
might be included to check on the representativeness of the
sample. However, questions like this are often included in an
apparently compulsive effort to characterize the sample
exhaustively. A clear-cut need for every question should be
established. This is especially important with respect to
questions characterizing the responders, because there may be a
tendency to add these almost without thought after
establishment of the more fundamental questions. The fact that
such additions may lengthen the questionnaire needlessly and
appear to pry almost frivolously into personal matters is often
overlooked. Some questionnaires ask for more personal data
than opinions on their basic topics.
In many cases, personal data are available from sources
other than the responders themselves. For example, computer
files used to produce mailing labels often have other
information about the subjects that can be merged with their
responses if these are not anonymous. In such cases, asking
the responders to repeat this information is not only
burdensome but may introduce error, especially when reporting
the truth has a negative connotation. (Students often report
inflated grade-point averages on questionnaires.)
When some of the questions that must be asked request
personal or confidential information, it is better to locate them
at the end of the questionnaire. If such questions appear early
in the questionnaire, potential responders may become too
disaffected to continue, with nonreturn the likely result.
However, if they reach the last page and find unsettling
questions, they may continue nevertheless or perhaps return the
questionnaire with the sensitive questions unanswered. Even this
latter result is better than suffering a nonreturn.
It is not within the scope of this booklet to offer a discourse
on the many statistical procedures that can be applied to
analyze questionnaire responses. However, it is important to
note that this step in the overall process cannot be divorced
from the other development steps. A questionnaire may be
well-received by critics and responders yet be quite resistant to
analysis. The method of analysis should be established before
the questions are written and should direct their format and
character. If the developer does not know precisely how the
responses will be analyzed to answer each research question, the
results are in jeopardy. This caveat does not preclude
exploratory data analysis or the emergence of serendipitous
results, but these are procedures and outcomes that cannot be
depended on.
In contrast to the lack of specificity in the preceding
paragraph, it is possible to offer one principle of questionnaire
construction that is generally helpful with respect to subsequent
analysis. This is to arrange for a manageable number of
ordinally scaled variables. A question with responses such as:
will constitute one such variable, since there is a response
progression from worse to better (at least for almost all
speakers of English).
In contrast, to the foregoing example, consider the following
Which one of the following colors do you prefer for your office wall?
There is no widely-agreed-upon progression from more to
less, brighter to duller, or anything else in this case. Hence,
from the standpoint of scalability, this question must be
analyzed as if it were three questions (though, of course, the
responder sees only the single question):
These variables (called dummy variables) are ordinally
scalable and are appropriate for many statistical analyses.
However, this approach results in proliferation of variables,
which may be undesirable in many situations, especially those in
which the sample is relatively small. Therefore, it is often
desirable to avoid questions whose answers must be scaled as
multiple dummy variables. Questions with the instruction
"check all that apply" are usually of this type. (See also the
comment about "check all that apply" under Optical Mark Reader
Processing of Responses below).
For many if not most questionnaires, it is necessary or
desirable to identify responders. The commonest reasons are to
check on nonreturns and to permit associating responses with
other data on the subjects. If such is the case, it is a clear
violation of ethics to code response sheets surreptitiously or
secretly to identify responders after stating or implying that
responses are anonymous. In so doing, the investigator has in
effect promised the responders that their responses cannot be
identified. The very fact that at some point the responses can
be identified fails to provide the promised security, even though
the investigator intends to keep them confidential.
If a questionnaire contains sensitive questions yet must be
identified for accomplishment of its purpose, the best policy is
to promise confidentiality but not anonymity. In this case a
code number should be clearly visible on each copy of the
instrument, and the responders should be informed that all
responses will be held in strict confidence and used only in the
generation of statistics. Informing the responders of the uses
planned for the resulting statistics is also likely to be helpful.
The possibilities for biasing of mailed questionnaire results due
to only partial returns are all too obvious. Nonreturners may
well have their own peculiar views toward questionnaire content
in contrast to their more cooperative co-recipients. Thus it is
strange that very few published accounts of questionnaire-based
research report any attempt to deal with the problem. Some do
not even acknowledge it.
There are ways of at least partially accounting for the
effects of nonreturns after the usual follow-up procedures, such
as postcard reminders. To the extent that responders are asked
to report personal characteristics, those of returners may be
compared to known population parameters. For example, the
proportion of younger returners might be much smaller than
the population proportion for people in this age group. Then
results should be applied only cautiously with respect to younger
individuals. Anonymous responses may be categorized according
to postal origin (if mailed). Then results should be applied
more cautiously with respect to under represented areas.
Usually, the best way to account for nonresponders is to
select a random sample of them and obtain responses even at
substantial cost. This is possible even with anonymous
questionnaires, though, in this case, it is necessary to contact
recipients at random and first inquire as to whether they
returned the questionnaire. Telephone interviews are often
satisfactory for obtaining the desired information from
nonresponders, but it is almost always necessary to track down
some nonresponders in person. In either case, it may not be
necessary to obtain responses to all questionnaire items. Prior
analyses may reveal that only a few specific questions provide a
key to a responder's opinion(s).
It seems obvious that an attractive, clearly printed and well laid
out questionnaire will engender better response than one that is
not. Nevertheless, it would appear that many investigators are
not convinced that the difference is worth the trouble. Research
on this point is sparse, but experienced investigators tend to
place considerable stress on extrinsic characteristics of
questionnaires. At the least, those responsible for questionnaire
development should take into consideration the fact that they
are representing themselves and their parent organizations by
the quality of what they produce.
Mailed questionnaires, especially, seem likely to suffer
nonreturn if they appear difficult or lengthy. A slight reduction
in type size and printing on both sides of good quality paper
may reduce a carelessly arranged five pages to a single sheet of
Obviously, a stamped or postpaid return envelope is highly
desirable for mailed questionnaires. Regardless of whether an
envelope is provided, a return address should be prominently
featured on the questionnaire itself.
If possible, it is highly desirable to collect questionnaire
responses on sheets that can be machine read. This practice
saves vast amounts of time otherwise spent keying responses
into computer data sets. Also, the error rate for keying data
probably far outstrips the error rate of responders due to
misplaced or otherwise improper marks on the response sheets.
Obtaining responses directly in this manner is almost always
feasible for group administrations but may be problematical for
mailed questionnaires, especially if the questions are not printed
on the response sheet. Relatively unmotivated responders are
unlikely to take the trouble to obtain the correct type of pencil
and figure out how to correlate an answer sheet with a separate
set of questions. Some investigators enclose pencils to motivate
On the other hand, machine readable response sheets with
blank areas, onto which questions may be printed, are available.
Also, if resources permit, custom machine-readable sheets can
be designed to incorporate the questions and appropriate
response areas. The writer knows of no evidence that return
rates suffer when machine readable sheets with the questions
printed on them are mailed. Anecdotally, it has been reported
that responders may actually be more motivated to return
machine readable response sheets than conventional
instruments. This may be because they believe that their
responses are more likely to be counted than if the responses
must be keyed. (Many investigators know of instances where
only a portion of returned responses were keyed due to lack of
resources.) Alternatively, responders may be mildly impressed
by the technology employed or feel a greater degree of
anonymity. In planning for the use of a mark reader, it is very
important to coordinate question format with reader capability
and characteristics. This coordination should also take planned
statistical analyses into consideration. Questions that need to
be resolved in the development phase include:
Most readers are designed (or programmed) to recognize
only a single intended answer to a given question. Given the
ubiquity of "mark all that apply" instructions in questionnaires,
it is therefore necessary to modify such questions for
machine-compatible responding. The following example shows
how this may be accomplished:
This procedure creates dummy variables suitable for many
statistical procedures (see Statistical Considerations above).
Folding response sheets for mailing may cause processing
difficulties. Folding may cause jams in the feed mechanisms of
some readers. Another problem is that the folds may cause
inaccurate reading of the responses. In these cases, sheet-size
envelopes may be used for sending and return. Some types of
opscan sheets can be folded, however, and these may be sent in
business-size envelopes.
Various approaches are available for determining the sample
size needed for obtaining a specified degree of accuracy in
estimation of population parameters from sample statistics. All
of these methods assume 100% returns from a random sample.
(See Hinkle, Oliver, and Hinkle, 1985.)
Random samples are easy to mail out but are virtually
never returned at the desired rate. It is possible to get 100%
returns from captive audiences, but in most cases these could
hardly be considered random samples. Accordingly, the typical
investigator using a written questionnaire can offer only limited
assurance that the results are generalizable to the population of
interest. One approach is to obtain as many returns as the
sample size formulation calls for and offer evidence to show the
extent of adherence of the obtained sample to known population
characteristics (see Nonreturns, above).
For large populations, a 100% return random sample of 400
is usually sufficient for estimates within about 5% of population
parameters. Then, if a return rate of 50% is anticipated from a
mailed questionnaire and a 5% sampling error is desired, 800
should be sent. The disadvantage of this approach is that
nonresponse bias is uncontrolled and may cause inaccurate
results even though sampling error is somewhat controlled. The
alternative is to reduce sample size (thus increasing sampling
error) and use the resources thus saved for tracking down
nonresponders. A compromise may be the best solution in many
While total sample size is an important question, returns
from subgroups in the population also warrant careful
consideration. If generalizations to subgroups are planned, it is
necessary to obtain as many returns from each subgroup as
required for the desired level of sampling error. If some
subgroup is relatively rare in the population, it will be necessary
to sample a much larger proportion of that subgroup in order
to obtain the required number of returns.
Small populations require responses from substantial
proportions of their membership to generate the same accuracy
that a much smaller proportion will yield for a much larger
population. For example, a random sample of 132 is required for
a population of 200 to achieve the same accuracy that a random
sample of 384 will provide for a population of one million. In
cases such as the former, it usually makes more sense to poll
the entire population than to sample.
Dillman, D. A. (1978). Mail and telephone surveys: The total
design method. New York: John Wiley.
Hinkle, D. E., Oliver, J. D., & Hinkle, C. A. (1985). How large should the sample be? Part II--the one-sample case. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 45, 271-280. |
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