- The Bell Curve: Corrected for Skew. (24 Dec 1996) Kupermintz, Haggai. Education Policy Analysis Archives.
- The Concept of Statistical Significance Testing. (Feb 1994) Thompson, Bruce. ERIC/AE Digest.
- Inappropriate Statistical Practices in Counseling Research: Three Pointers for Readers of Research Literature. (1995) Thompson, Bruce. ERIC Digest.
- Meta-Analysis in Educational Research. (Dec 1991) Bangert-Drowns, Robert L. and Rudner, Lawrence M.. ERIC Digest.
- Person-Fit Statistics: High Potential and Many Unanswered Questions. (Dec 1992) Bracey, Gerald and Rudner, Lawrence M.. ERIC/TM Digest.
- Resampling: A Marriage of Computers and Statistics. (Sep 1992) Rudner, Lawrence M. and Shafer, Mary Morello. ERIC/TM Digest.
- Standard Errors in Educational Assessment: A Policy Analysis Perspective. (15 March 1996) Camilli, Greg. Education Policy Analysis Archives.