ERIC Documents Database Citations & Abstracts for Internet-based Survey Research
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Surveys or Questionnaires or Survey Research [ERIC Descriptors]
Internet or World Wide Web or Electronic Mail [ERIC Descriptors]
Research Methodology or Educational Research or Research [ERIC Descriptors]
EJ562379 CS755184
Casting the Net: Surveying an Internet Population.
Smith, Christine Biship
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, v3 n1 Jun
ISSN: 1083-6101
Presents a summary review of the comparative literature on e-mail
and "snail mail" surveys and a more extensive research review
involving Web-based methods. Contrasts e-mail and Web-based survey
techniques used in an ongoing study of the Web presence provider
industry. Highlights practical issues of Web-surveying methods, such
as programming pitfalls, sample-building, and incentives. (RS)
Descriptors: Comparative Analysis; *Electronic Mail; Higher
Education; Literature Reviews; Research Methodology; Sample Size;
*Surveys; *World Wide Web
ED409860 IR018449
Conducting Research on the Internet: Strategies for Electronic
Persichitte, Kay A.; And Others
6p.; In: Proceedings of Selected Research and Development
Presentations at the 1997 National Convention of the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology (19th, Albuquerque, NM,
February 14-18, 1997); see IR 018 421.
This study provides guidelines for using electronic mail for data
collection and sheds light on some of the substantive issues related
to research via this medium. Researchers creating electronic
interview situations for the study stressed that the atmosphere
should be informal and conversational. Interviewees were encouraged
to use typical expressions of emotion--"emotext" or "emoticons"--and
to use other innovative ways of expressing their feelings or emphases. The
topic addressed was how the respondents used technology. Results indicated
that many of the difficulties inherent in face-to-face
interviews were overcome in the electronic medium. The researchers
were unable to interrupt the interviewees or to give nonverbal
evaluative responses. Both the researchers and the interviewees were able
to take the time to be thoughtful and careful in their responses to each
other, increasing the depth of understanding for both parties. Neither the
researchers nor the interviewees had to schedule
appointments or be concerned with the effects of interruptions.
Although some caution remains regarding the validity of responses
collected in this way, general advantages of interviewing using
electronic mail rather than traditional face-to-face interviews
include: reduced time and cost; convenience; unimportance of
geographic location and the possibility for more sampling diversity;
the potential for large amount of data to be accumulated quickly; the
allowance for more thorough and thoughtful follow-up and
clarification; single-step, non-interfering recording and
transcription; no danger or discomfort for the researcher; and the
ability to continue the interview process until the researcher is
satisfied that a saturation point has been reached. A list of
guidelines are included for researchers who are considering
conducting research via electronic mail using interviews. A copy of
the letter that was sent to participants is included. (Contains 10
references.) (AEF)
Descriptors: *Data Collection; *Electronic Mail; Evaluation Methods;
Guidelines; Higher Education; Information Technology; Interaction;
Internet; *Interviews; Questioning Techniques; *Research Methodology;
Identifiers: *Communication Behavior; Cyberspace; Electronic Media; Face
to Face Communication
EJ547840 IR535347
Using the World Wide Web to Conduct a Needs Assessment.
Fulop, Mark P.; And Others
Performance Improvement, v36 n6 p22-27 Jul 1997
Demonstrates how electronic mail and the World Wide Web are
effective tools for focus group research and programmatic decision
making by highlighting how an electronic needs assessment survey was
conducted on participants' use of the Web. Sidebars contain the four-
step focus group methodology; sample questions and responses; and a
comparison of real time and e-mail focus groups. (AEF)
Descriptors: Decision Making; *Electronic Mail; Focus Groups;
Information Technology; *Needs Assessment; *Research Methodology;
ED411292 TM027300
E-Mail Survey of a Listserv Discussion Group: Lessons Learned from
Surveying an Electronic Network of Learners.
Meehan, Merrill L.; Burns, Rebecca C.
Appalachia Educational Lab., Charleston, WV. 1997
26p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (Chicago, IL, March 24-28, 1997).
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement
(ED), Washington, DC.
An electronic survey of a listserv discussion group, the
Interdisciplinary Teamed Instruction (ITI) group, was conducted to
learn more about the group and to explore surveying electronically.
A 10-question survey was posted electronically, as were respondents'
replies. Three reminders were posted over the 3-week reply period.
The number of subscribers was estimated at 250 in the United States
and 6 foreign countries. Twenty-three completed surveys were
returned in the first 24 hours, and only 26 more were completed in
the next 3 weeks, for a final response rate of 23.6%. Results
suggest that the listserv is an active community of learners. They
also demonstrate that defining the real population becomes a
technological problem. If one were to hypothesize that an active
electronic community would respond better than other groups to a
survey, these results would not support the hypothesis, although
respondents to the initial effort provided very rapid responses. The
major implications of the research approach are: (1) to calculate an
accurate response rate, it is crucial to determine the exact number
of listserv subscribers before first posting the survey; and (2) more
efforts should be put into an electronic survey before its first
posting, such as announcements. The survey text is attached.
(Contains 11 references.) (Author/SLD)
Descriptors: *Electronic Mail; Foreign Countries; Research Design;
Research Methodology; *Response Rates (Questionnaires); *Sample Size;
Sampling; *Surveys; *Teachers; Teamwork
Identifiers: *Listserv Discussion Groups
ED410862 HE030458
Between Anecdote and Science: Using E-Mail To Learn about Student
Experiences. AIR 1997 Annual Forum Paper.
Furlong, Deborah K.
21p.; Paper presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for
Institutional Research (37th, Orlando, FL, May 18-21, 1997).
Institutional research has long relied on surveys to learn about
student experiences. This study describes and evaluates two methods
of using electronic mail to gather information from students about
their experiences. Data were based on two case studies conducted
during spring 1996 and fall 1997 at a 5,000-student state university.
The report discusses some of the potential benefits of using e-mail
to conduct survey research: faster response rates, the lack of
intermediaries increases the chances that respondents will receive
the survey promptly, asynchronous communication allows users to think
about answers, and the medium itself may encourage users to respond
more candidly. E-mail distribution lists are used to distribute
questions and collect responses. Hypertext markup language (HTML)
forms can be posted to an Internet web site to conduct survey
research. While data from electronic surveys may not be as
representative as that from a mail survey, the former is more likely
to save money and time. Sample HTML form commands, a HTML form file,
input types and subcommands, and HTML code used for a first-year
survey are included. (Contains 10 references.) (CH)
Descriptors: Computer Mediated Communication; *Educational Research;
*Electronic Mail; Electronic Text; Higher Education; Institutional
Research; Internet; Questionnaires; *Research Methodology; State
Universities; *Student Experience; *Student Surveys; Technology;
Technology Transfer; Telecommunications; World Wide Web
Identifiers: *AIR Forum; *HTML; Survey Research
ED412911 IR018560
Survey Data on Your Desktop: The Future for Library Managers.
Coates, Renata G.; Fanshier, Marsha
14p.; Paper presented at "The Universe at Your Fingertips:
Continuing Web Education." Conference Sponsored by the Librarians
Association of the University of California, Santa Barbara, Friends
of the UCSB Library, and the Black Gold Cooperative Library System
Reference Committee (Santa Barbara, CA, April 25, 1997). For papers
from the proceedings of this conference, downloaded and printed out
from the UCSB Web site, see IR 018 545-561.
Available From: Electronic version:
The University of California San Diego (UCSD) Libraries User Survey
was designed to have its results in machine-readable form. Library
management, anticipating the need for detailed statistics for future
decision making, required that the survey results be manipulatable by
library managers. Responses to the 1996 use survey were solicited
from three primary user categories: undergraduates, graduate
students, and faculty. The data is accessible through an interactive
website, and allows universal access from any individual's desktop.
The user survey website features: interactive query-based access from
Web forms; formatted tables; analytical functionality including cross-
tabs and graphing; and data file format export capabilities. Survey
responses can be considered against a number of variables, including
gender, year in school and major for students, and department and
number of years at the university for faculty. The paper describes
the design of HTML forms, output files, programming, and data
application. The majority of the paper provides a detailed example
of use of the survey data by a hypothetical branch manager assessing
usage in relation to library hours. (Contains 12 references.) (SWC)
Descriptors: Academic Libraries; *Access to Information; Higher
Education; Institutional Research; *Library Research; Library
Statistics; *Library Surveys; *Research Utilization; *Use Studies;
Users (Information); *World Wide Web
Identifiers: University of California San Diego
EJ523177 IR532799
Electronic Bulletin Board Distributed Questionnaires for
Exploratory Research.
Miller, James; And Others
Journal of Information Science, v22 n2 p107-15 1996
ISSN: 0165-5515
Discusses advantages and disadvantages of electronic bulletin
boards, compares it with other possible alternatives, and describes a
questionnaire study conducted via Usenet and via traditional mail
that investigated self-selection bias. The questionnaire on object-
oriented systems is appended. (LRW)
Descriptors: Comparative Analysis; *Electronic Mail;
*Questionnaires; Research Methodology
Identifiers: Object Oriented Programming; Postal Service; *Self
Selection Bias; USENET
EJ499825 IR530326
Using Electronic Mail to Conduct Survey Research.
Thach, Liz
Educational Technology, v35 n2 p27-31 Mar-Apr 1995
ISSN: 0013-1962
Describes public and private online networks and the
characteristics of electronic mail. Reviews the literature on survey
research conducted via electronic mail, and examines the issues of
design, implementation, and response. A table displays advantages
and disadvantages of electronic mail surveys. (AEF)
Descriptors: Comparative Analysis; *Electronic Mail; *Information
Networks; Literature Reviews; *Mail Surveys; *Online Systems; Program
Implementation; *Research Design; *Research Methodology; Research
Tools; Responses
Identifiers: Private Industry; Public Access
EJ489697 IR529204
Fishing with the Net for Research Data.
Foster, Geoff
British Journal of Educational Technology, v25 n2 p91-97 May
ISSN: 0007-1013
Describes a trial use of electronic mail to interview academic
teachers on how they plan subject courses. Advantages of electronic
interviewing, such as cost and convenience, and issues, including
complying with network etiquette, are discussed. A copy of part of
the electronic interview used in the trial is appended. (Contains
two references.) (KRN)
Descriptors: College Faculty; Computer Networks; Costs; Educational
Planning; *Electronic Mail; Higher Education; Information Networks;
*Interviews; Problems; Qualitative Research; Research Methodology;
Identifiers: Course Development; Etiquette; *Internet; LISTSERVS;
Teacher Surveys; Trials
ED355969 IR054530
The Electronic Survey as a Research Tool: A Case Study of BALT-L.
Sudmalis, Linda
Nov 1992
150p.; Master's Research Paper, Kent State University.
Document Type: THESIS (042); RESEARCH REPORT (143); TEST,
The purpose of this research study was to compose a user profile of
one specific electronic conference/electronic mail (e-conference/e-
mail) discussion group through an in-depth case study, using a survey
administered, collected, and tabulated electronically. The BALT-L is
an online forum devoted to communication to and about the Baltic
republics of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Responses of 80 out of
a total of 558 subscribers indicate that the typical user is male (85
percent), and that 30 percent of the respondents are between 19 and
29 years old. If U.S. educational levels were applied, 46.25 percent
have a doctorate. While most subscribers (82.5 percent) belong to
more than 10 e-conference/e-mail groups, the average user belonged to
8, and 3 individuals belonged to 50 each. Thirty-five percent ranked
accessing general background information on a subject as their
primary reason for accessing this medium. Responses originated from
14 geographic areas, with 63.75 percent from the United States. A
full 40 percent of the respondents were not of Baltic heritage, while
26.25 percent were Lithuanian, 23.75 percent were Latvian, and 10
percent were Estonian. Unique considerations in conducting research
in an electronic medium, such as confidentiality and tailoring
inquiries to the international audience, are also addressed. Twenty-
four tables present survey responses. Seven appendixes contain
supplemental information about the group and the survey process.
(Contains 30 references.) (Author/SLD)
Descriptors: Case Studies; Computer Assisted Testing; Conferences;
Confidentiality; Electronic Mail; Foreign Countries; *Information
Networks; *International Studies; Profiles; *Research Methodology;
*Surveys; Tables (Data); Teleconferencing; User Needs (Information);
*Users (Information); User Satisfaction (Information); Use Studies
Identifiers: Baltic States; *BALT L Discussion Group; *Electronic
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