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System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment

Test Name: System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment
Publisher: The Psychological Corporation
Publication Date: 1977
Test Type: Developmental
Content: Other
Language: English
Target Population: English Language Learner (ELL)
Grade Level: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Administration Time: Untimed/Guidelines
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Diagnosis; Identification

The System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA) is designed to assess the current level of functioning and the potential of children from Anglo, Chicano, and Black cultural backgrounds. The measures were standardized on 700 English-speaking Caucasian, 700 Chicano, and 700 Black children 5 through 11 years of age from California. There are 100 children, 50 males and 50 females, at each age level for each ethnic group. SOMPA is based on three conceptual models: the medical model, the social system model, and the pluralistic model. Each model is based on a different definition of the nature of abnormality and a different set of assumptions. Thus, each model provides a different conceptual lens through the child's performance can be viewed. The medical model focuses on physical deficits and the six tests chosen to represent the medical perspective of the SOMPA are tests of physical dexterity, visual/motor abilities, weight/height ratio, visual acuity, auditory acuity, and the health history inventories. The Social System Model focuses on behavior which violates social system norms. For most administrations of the SOMPA, the norms that are chosen are those that apply to a successful student in the public schools. One measure used under this model is the Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children, with subtests called Family, Community, Peer Relations, Nonacademic School Roles, Earner/Consumer, and Self-Maintenance. The other measure is the WISC-R IQ test. The Pluralistic Model attempts to estimate a child's potential to learn based on the opportunities for development afforded by background. This estimate includes a comparison of a child's family size, family structure, socioeconomic status, and urban acculturation with other members of the child's ethnic group as well as with other students at school. The results of the SOMPA for each child are recorded in an individual "SOMPA Profile Folder" which has graphs on which scores are recorded with "at risk" ranges marked in red. Information on the qualifications necessary to administer the SOMPA, the levels of reliability and validity for each measure, and scoring procedures and norms does not make up part of the EAC East collection.

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