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Spanish Reading Comprehension Test

Test Name: Spanish Reading Comprehension Test
Publisher: Moreno Educational
Publication Date: 1978
Test Type: Multiple Choice Achievement
Content: Reading/Writing in L2
Language: Spanish
Target Population: English Language Learner
Grade Level: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, Adult
Administration Time: 16-30 min
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Progress

The Spanish Reading Comprehension Test is appropriate for use with grades 1-12 and adults. It was developed and normed in Mexico and can be used for pre- and post-testing in bilingual education programs, to measure achievement in reading in the Spanish language classroom, to identify learning disabilities and academic giftedness among monolingual Spanish speakers, and to place adults in language or bilingual education classes. The form used for grades 7-12 and adults involves reading short narrative and expository texts and answering a series of 4-option multiple choice questions about each one. The form used with grades 1-6, also includes some one-word pictured identifications and common sense questions like "What color are bananas?". For grades 1-6, the KR estimate of reliability ranges from .90-.94. Content validity was established by using Mexican curriculum materials to develop test questions. Norms at this level were established with more than 4000 Mexican students. Information on reliability, validity, and norms for the grades 7-12 level is not part of the EAC East collection. Scoring is done by hand using an answer key and raw scores are converted to grade equivalents and percentile ranks by the test administrator using charts included with the test materials. An English language version of the test has been translated from Spanish.

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