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Spanish Language Assessment Procedures - A Communication Skills Inventory

Test Name: Spanish Language Assessment Procedures - A Communication Skills Inventory
Publisher: Los Amigos Research Associates
Publication Date: 1989
Test Type: Language Proficiency
Content: Speech/Hearing
Language: Spanish
Target Population: Native Speaker of Spanish
Grade Level: K,1,2,3
Administration Time: Untimed/No Guideline
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Diagnosis; Language Dominance; Proficiency

The Spanish Language Assessment Procedures (SLAP) was developed to help bilingual educators and speech pathologists assess the structural and functional aspects of children's communication in Spanish to determine their educational needs. The test inventory has three parts: 1) the Criterion-Referenced Assessment of Spanish Communication which assesses 26 basic communication skills, 2) the Assessment of Spanish Speech Sound Production which assesses the production of consonants when a possible articulation disorder is suspected, and 3) Communication Sampling and the Identification of Communicative Disorders which involves collecting samples of a child's natural communication. A set of picture cards comes with the test, but supplementary materials like crayons, a table and chair, boxes, a book, a pencil, a pair of scissors, and culturally relevant pictures os children engages in various activities must be provided by the administrator for the first part of the test. A tape recorder is necessary for collecting speech samples in the third section. SLAP must be administered individually and scores for the first two parts are simple ratios of correct over incorrect responses. Scoring for the third section is largely subjective. Designations showing mastery or lack of mastery for each skill are assigned according to criteria present in the manual. No studies of reliability or validity are reported in the test documentation.

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