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Prueba del Desarollo Inicial del Lenguaje

Test Name: Prueba del Desarollo Inicial del Lenguaje
Publisher: Pro-Ed
Publication Date: 1982
Test Type: Developmental
Content: Speech/Hearing
Language: Spanish
Target Population: Native Speaker of Spanish
Grade Level: PK,K,1,2
Administration Time: 16-30 min
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Diagnosis; Identification; Progress

The Prueba del Desarollo Inicial del Languaje (Test of Early Language Development) is for speakers of Spanish ages 3-7 and is a measure of spoken language ability. It is used to identify children who are delayed in language development, to document progress in language acquisition, to diagnose weaknesses and to develop Individual Education Plans. The test is given individually and takes 15-20 minutes. The child must respond to a question or command (some are related to picture stimuli) presented by the tester. The number of correct responses is totaled and converted to a score that is reported as a percentile. Scores are further broken down into 5 categories ranging from "superior" to "deficient". The standardization sample included 549 children from Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the United States. The average measure of internal consistency was .90, and no concurrent validity was assessed.

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