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the Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation

Examen de Afasia Multilingue (MAE-S)

Test Name: Examen de Afasia Multilingue (MAE-S)
Publisher: AJA Associates, Inc.
Publication Date: 1993
Test Type: Developmental
Content: Other Pres. & sev. of aphasic disord
Language: Spanish
Target Population: Native Speaker of Spanish
Grade Level: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,Adult
Administration Time: Untimed/guidelines
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Diagnosis

The Multilingual Aphasia Examination (MAE) is a test battery used to diagnose the presence of aphasic disorders and evaluate their severity and type. It contains eleven subtests: visual naming (using a 10-picture flip chart), sentence repetition, word association, oral spelling, written spelling, block spelling (using plastic letters), MAE token test (using colored plastic shapes of various sizes), aural comprehension of words and phrases, reading comprehension of words and phrases, rating of articulation, and rating of praxic features of writing. The performance of 48 patients with aphasic disorders was used to calibrate five of the subtests which measure the degree of the disorder. The MAE (MAE-S) was normed on 234 normal Spanish-speaking adults but no separate children's norms are available. The MAE has been translated into French and German, but without norms for native speakers of those languages. The English version includes norms for both adults and children. The subtests are administered one-on-one and include score sheets on which examinee responses are recorded and totaled. All of the information necessary for interpreting obtained scores is present in the Manual of Instructions. Percentiles, mean scores by grade level, and a separate subset of the norms obtained from elderly examinees are provided.

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