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Dos Amigos Verbal Language Scales

Test Name: Dos Amigos Verbal Language Scales
Publisher: Academic Therapy Publications
Publication Date: 1974
Test Type: Developmental
Content: Intelligence
Language: Bil. Spanish/English
Target Population: Bilingual Spanish/English
Grade Level: K,1,2,3,4,5,6
Administration Time: 1-15 min
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Diagnosis; Language Dominance

Dos Amigos can be used to diagnose language problems related to special education concerns, or to assess language dominance. It is for Mexican-American Spanish/English bilingual children in grades K-6. The test consists of two word lists: one in English and one in Spanish. As the tester reads each word, the student must supply the word's antonym. The tester continues in one language until the student makes 5 consecutive errors and then begins the list in the other language. Administration time is approximately 20 minutes and answers are hand scored. Scores are reported in percentiles by chronological age. The test was standardized in Texas with more than 1000 Mexican-American children whose first language was Spanish. Detailed statistical information on the test is available from the publisher on request.

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