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National Board for Professional Teaching Standards--Update. ERIC Digest.BACKGROUND In response to a Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy recommendation, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) was established in 1987 with the mission of improving the quality of teaching and public education (Carnegie Forum, 1986). The NBPTS is governed by a 63-member board representing the primary stakeholders in education. Teachers make up the majority of the board. NBPTS is a private, nonprofit body whose support comes from foundations, corporate grants, and federal funding.
GOALS The National Board certification system involves three critical elements: * standards setting--defining what accomplished teaching practice really is; and establishing what accomplished teachers must know and be able to do; * assessment instruments--evaluating teaching with a variety of performance measures tailored to the standards of accomplishment; and * professional development--providing teachers with the opportunity to discuss the elements of excellent teaching and to incorporate such practice into their teaching/learning environment. This Digest will discuss the National Board's research and development activities designed to develop an assessment system that meets the NBPTS criteria (known as APPLE), i.e., * Administratively feasible, * Professionally acceptable, * Publicly credible, * Legally defensible, and * Economically affordable.
STANDARDS SETTING * Teachers are committed to students and their learning. * Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. * Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. * Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. * Teachers are members of learning communities. (NBPTS, 1991b, pp. 13- 15) The National Board believes that a unitary certificate suggesting proficiency in teaching all subjects to all students of all ages is unwarranted. Consequently, NBPTS is establishing standards committees in each of 30 certification fields to define the standards. Student age levels are defined as follows: * Early Childhood (ages 3-8)--Generalist * Middle Childhood (ages 7-12)-- Generalist, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies/History * Early and Middle Childhood (ages 3-12)--Art, Foreign Language, Guidance Counseling, Library/Media, Music, Physical Education/Health * Early Adolescence (ages 11-15)--Generalist, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies/History * Adolescence and Young Adulthood (ages 14-18+)--English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies/History * Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood (ages 11-18+)--Art, Foreign Language, Guidance Counseling, Library/Media, Music, Physical Education/Health, Vocational Education. (NBPTS, 1992) To date, 14 standards committees are in place. Standards statements in the fields of Adolescence and Young Adulthood--Mathematics and Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood--Art were approved for circulation. Initial standards statements in Early Adolescence--Generalist and Early Adolescence--English Language Arts were circulated for comment in the fall of 1992. All standards statements are to be completed by 1996.
ASSESSMENT The current school site module consists of portfolio documentation and on-site observation. The portfolio, developed by the candidate, might include curriculum guides, a reflective essay, student projects and essays, and attestation of teaching accomplishment from other teachers, students, and parents. Two methods of on-site observation to be explored are videotapes of classroom instruction and on-site classroom visits. The current assessment center module focuses on structured interviews, simulations, and knowledge of subject matter and content matter pedagogy. The interviews could be developed from the materials in a teacher's portfolio, while the simulations would center on exercises measuring a candidate's skill in responding to student essays, math problems, and laboratory reports. The knowledge component would assess a candidate's knowledge of a specific discipline and the ability to teach that knowledge to students. Contractors for all research and development activities are identified through a peer merit review process. There are three main components of National Board research and development strategies: Assessment Development Laboratories (ADLs), a Technical Analysis Group (TAG), and a Field Test Network. The Assessment Development Laboratories develop prototype assessment packages and methods, conduct initial pilot tests, revise preliminary efforts, and develop support materials. The Technical Analysis Group reviews, synthesizes, and integrates the work of the various ADLs and advises NBPTS regarding the research and development agenda. The TAG is working with assessment contractors and the Field Test Network participants to assure valid, reliable, and bias-free assessments. The recently established Field Test Network consists of two dozen school districts and other education entities, which provide access to a nationally representative sample of teachers covering approximately 8% of the nation's elementary and secondary school teachers. The Network assists in recruiting and in professional development activities.
REFERENCES Baratz-Snowden, J. (1990, August/September). Research news and comments: The NBPTS begins its research and development program. Educational Researcher, 19(6), 19-24. EJ 417593 Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy's Task Force on Teaching As a Profession. (1986). A nation prepared: Teachers for the 21st century. The report of the Task Force on Teaching As a Profession. New York: Carnegie Corporation. ED 268120 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). (1991a). National Board for Professional Teaching Standards report. December 31, 1991. The U.S. Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources and U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor. Detroit, MI: Author. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). (1991b). Toward high and rigorous standards for the teaching profession. Initial policies and perspectives of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. (3rd ed.). Detroit, MI: Author. ED 337440 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). (1992, February). 1991 Annual Report. Detroit, MI: Author. ---------- This publication was prepared with funding from the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, under contract number RI 88062015. The opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of OERI or the Department
Title: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards--Update. ERIC Digest. Descriptors: Age Groups; Early Childhood Education; Educational Improvement; Educational Quality; Elementary Secondary Education; * Evaluation Criteria; Higher Education; Measures [Individuals]; National Programs; Public Education; Research and Development; Standards; * Teacher Certification; Teacher Education; * Teacher Evaluation; * Teacher Qualifications Identifiers: *Assessment of Performance in Teaching; ERIC Digests; *National Board for Professional Teaching Standards http://ericae.net/edo/ED351336.htm |
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