Editorial Board
Lawrence M. Rudner,
William D. Schafer, Board of Editors Kathryn Alvestad, CalvertCounty (MD) Public Schools
Sarah Brem
Filip Dochy,
Kurt F. Geisinger,
Gene V Glass,
Arlen R. Gullickson
Robin K. Henson, Robert Marzano, Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning
M. Kevin Matter
Denise McKeon,
Mark Moody,
Joe O'Reilly,
Albert Oosterhof
Jason W. Osborne,
Dennis Roberts,
Michael Russell,
Bruce Thompson,
Marie Miller-Whitehead
Lynn Winters, Long Beach
Steven L. Wise,
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its new home - http://edresearch.org/pare/. Please change your links
and bookmarks. (Thanks go to Tirupalavanam G. Ganesh for the great URL.) Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation (PARE) is an on-line journal published by the edresearch.org and the Department of Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation at the University of Maryland, College Park. Its purpose is to provide education professionals access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice, especially at the local education agency (LEA) level. Manuscripts published in Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation are scholarly syntheses of research and ideas about issues and practices in education. They are designed to help members of the community keep up-to-date with effective methods, trends and research developments. While they are most often prepared for practitioners, such as teachers, administrators, and assessment personnel who work in schools and school systems, PARE articles can target other audiences, including researchers, policy makers, parents, and students. Manuscripts to be considered for Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation should be short, 2000-8000 words or about eight pages in length, exclusive of tables and references. They should conform to the stylistic conventions of the American Psychological Association (APA). See the Policies section of this web site for technical specifications and a list of suggested topics. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to pare2@ericae.net. Articles appearing in Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation also become available in the ERIC database through the ERIC Digest Series. Many articles published in PARE were previously published as part of the ERIC/AE Digest Series. Permission is granted to distribute any article in this journal for nonprofit, educational purposes if it is copied in its entirety and the journal is credited. Please notify the editor if an article is to be used. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation is listed among the ejournals in education by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition( SPARC), and the website for the AERA SIG "Communications Among Researchers". |
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