The National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) is the official federal source of educational statistics and projections at the national level. NCES produces several major publications annually which enjoy wide circulation. Three of these are: The Condition of Education, Digest of Education Statistics, and Projections of Education Statistics. These publications present statistics on a wide array of education topics. They are used in a number of diverse ways by policymakers, researchers, and the general public. To reach the online versions of these NCES publications, follow this path: or gopher to choose Educational Research, Improvement & Statistics (OERI & NCES) choose National Center for Educational Statistics choose NCES Publications and Reports choose Major NCES Publications or (logon anonymous) Of course, should you encounter any difficulty in the process of downloading or unzipping desired files from the NCES databases, then you could always use the print version of any of these resources at your local academic or public library. If you require further assistance with the data sets which you find in any of the above resources, then you may contact the National Data Resource Center of the NCES at the following e-mail address or telephone number: e-mail: telephone: 202-219-1642