ParSYSTEM Use at Duke University School of Medicine By Carol G. Reilly, Manager Thomas D. Kinney Central Teaching Laboratory Duke University School of Medicine The Central Teaching Lab (CTL) is a teaching support services group created in 1968 for basic science courses in medical and allied health education at the Duke University School of Medicine. CTL is responsible for space, supplies, and services. A relatively recent addition to the services is exam grading and electronic grade books. In 1986, we purchased an optical mark reader and used the software supplied by the manufacturer to handle exams in both medical technology and some first-year medical student basic science. After a few exams, we were looking for another exam software pack- age, something to handle more than 100 questions, and matching and grading flexibility. We purchased ParSCORE software in 1987. The faculty and student response has been enthusiastic. CTL took the burden off faculty secretaries to score exams, do regrades, and maintain the grade book. Histograms and other test data were in the faculty's hands for the first time. Students felt confident about their feedback report. I, as manager (read: not computer guru), did the scoring and had no problems understanding the pro- gram. Some faculty were a little nervous about being relieved of this duty, and double-checked all statistics generated by the software. The software was proved accurate. In 1987, CTL handled three medical student exams every four weeks, with an occasional second exam for allied health stu- dents. Now the information systems specialist and the computer tech take care of the daily schedule of tests. Unlike under- graduate programs, we do not "have summers off," and courses are taught year-round. Word-of-mouth added other users; teaching residents who could now turn over clinical rotation exams to us. Some continuing education courses contracted with us for exams during their activities. Faculty advisors were apprised of student performance, as well. We added course evaluation activities in 1989, and are as delighted with the reporting capabilities of the GST module of ParSURVEY as we are with ParSCORE. We began using ParTEST with the Physician Assistants program, and have suggested this to the national committee for clinical lab science certification. we began on-line testing (ParTEST On-Line) with the Physician Assistant students to allow for immediate faculty feedback on post- tests so that lectures could be tailored to class under- standing. This began in 1993 and continues to this time. We did our first course evaluation on-line in 1994. For more information about the Central Teaching Lab at Duke University School of Medicine, contact Carol G. Reilly, Manager Thomas D. Kinney Central Teaching Laboratory Duke University School of Medicine P. O. Box 3899 Durham, NC 27710-3899 919/684-5967 (voice) 919/684-2593 (fax) reill001#064; (e-mail)