Coast Community College District Class Roster Transfer System By Don Rueter, Director Computer Center Orange Coast College The Class Roster Transfer System at Coast Community College is designed to provide faculty and course assist- ants with the capability of obtaining ParSCORE/GRADE rosters from the District's student database. A class roster may be entered into ParSCORE/GRADE by keyboard entry, by enrollment form, or from an external file on a PC diskette. The Coast District's innovation utilizes the PC diskette option. Student records are maintained on the District's Hewlett-Packard 9000 using a specialized software pack- age called DSK. A locally-produced DSK report program named PRDNLD was created to produce roster files. The program allows selection of up to twelve (12) courses at a time and creates files having records in the form acceptable to ParSCORE/GRADE. At Orange Coast College, one of the District's three colleges, the downloading procedure is not done by faculty, but by computer sup- port personnel in the Orange Coast College Computing Center. A ParSYSTEM user at Orange Coast College (either faculty or large-group course assistant) initiates a request for ParSCORE/GRADE rosters either in writing or by telephone with the Computing Center. The requests are usually submitted a week or two after the beginning of the term. This allows enrollment to stabilize and minimizes the amount of maintenance required after the roster has been transferred to ParSCORE/GRADE. The user is then issued a PC diskette, with the individual files for each class, containing each student's name, student ID, and a telephone number. This represents up-to-date enrollment in the class as drawn from the student data- base. When the user receives the diskette via campus mail, the roster can be imported into ParSCORE/GRADE as shown by the ParSYSTEM documentation. This involves the following steps for the user: * On the ParSCORE/GRADE Main Menu, select _Create A Roster or Add Students_ * At the next Menu, select _Add Students To A Roster_ * On the _Add Students_ Screen, select a course section to which you wish to add students, then select _Add Students By Disk File_ * ParSCORE/GRADE will then request the path and the name of the external file containing the roster. The paths and names of the files should match. * Simply press to begin importing a roster and say goodbye to ENROLLMENT FORMS. ParSYSTEM users who wish additional information about the Coast Community College District innovation to create ParSCORE/GRADE Class Rosters without using Student Enrollment Forms or keyboard entry should contact Don Reuter, Director Computing Center Orange Coast College 2701 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92628 714/432-5500.