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IDEA Reading & Writing Proficiency Tests (IPT R/W1) - English

Test Name: IDEA Reading & Writing Proficiency Tests (IPT R/W1) - English
Publisher: Ballard & Tighe Publishers
Publication Date: 1994
Test Type: Language Proficiency
Content: Reading/Writing in L2
Language: English
Target Population: English Language Learner (ELL)
Grade Level: 2,3
Administration Time: Untimed/Guidelines
Standardized: Yes
Purpose: Identification; Placement; Proficiency; Program Exit; Progress

The IPT Reading and Writing Test is meant to be used with the IPT Oral Test to identify children in the second and third grades who may need services for Limited English Proficient students. Although the test measures the competencies necessary for language minority students to function successfully in the mainstream classroom, it is not designed to be used as an achievement test after a course of instruction, nor should it be used with students whose reading and writing competencies are above average for their grade level or with students who speak no English at all.. The test is standardized and should be administered to groups of students by trained educators. The Reading Test assesses the following five domains: Vocabulary, Vocabulary in Context, Reading for Understanding, Reading for Life Skills, and Language Usage. Items are multiple-choice and present four response options. The total points scored on this section determine whether the student will receive the Competent English Reader designation. The Writing Test covers writing conventions such as capitalization and punctuation in a multiple-choice format, and gives examinees the opportunity to write two stories, one based on a sequence of pictures provided in the test booklet, and one based on the examinee's choice of pictorial writing prompts. Total test time ranges from 95 to 150 minutes. Except for the story-writing sections, tests may be scored either by hand or by machine. Writing samples should be scored by educators who do not know the identities of the children who wrote them. A set of descriptive rubrics is used in scoring, and examples of real student writing at each level are provided as guidelines. The resulting classifications are "Non-English Writer", "Competent English Writer", and "Limited English Writer". To be considered "Fluent English Proficient", a student must qualify as a "Fluent English Speaker", "Competent English Reader", and "Competent English Writer". In addition to these criterion-based labels, scores are reported as raw scores, normal curve equivalents, and percentile ranks. This information is recorded on the front page of the test booklet which may be torn off and stored in the student's permanent file. The test was normed on a sample of 1,406 students from six states. Internal reliability of the Reading portion of the test was estimated at .95 using Cronbach's Alpha and test/retest reliability was estimated at .87. The reliability of the Written portion varies depending on the inter-rater reliability of the group of scorers.

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